Fishing Rules

Kevin is not one for a massive rule book; he would rather rely on common sense and respect for the environment and other anglers, whilst encouraging creative angling. These rules are minimal and sensible. They are designed to protect the very valuable and beautiful carp, as well as the environment and ensure your own safety. Please show these unique fisheries the respect they deserve.


  1. Only purpose designed barbless hook patterns. No crushed barbs. This rule is deemed amongst the most important by Kevin as he believes that the only safe rig is the one where the carp can get off the hook – hence he has not banned items like leaders. Be warned – if you are seen using a barbed hook you will not get a second chance; it will mean immediate expulsion from the lake without refund.
  2. No 2 x long shank hooks are to be used, whether straight or curved. For clarity, this means hooks that have twice the normal shank length, which when curved are commonly referred to as bent hooks that can cause severe damage.
  3. Leads must be fixed, but discharge on the take. No lead clips systems are to be used that are reliant on the grip of the swivel in the bore of the moulding.
  4. Only monofilament mainlines with a breaking strain of 15lb or more are permitted. Braided mainlines are not allowed on fishing rods, but may be used on spod and marker rods.
  5. Only hooklinks of 15lb or more are permitted.
  6. Care must be taken to protect the fish from any type of mainline, for instance coated leaders or tubing must be used at a minimum of 12” to prevent scales being lifted during the fight.
  7. Zig fishing is not allowed on The Lakes, to clarify – any rig with a bait or lure suspended more than 6” off the bottom in any depth up to the surface is banned. Any angler found breaking this rule will be immediately expelled from the lake.
  8. Strictly no pike fishing.
  9. The following must not be brought onto site:
    • Landing nets
    • Unhooking mats
    • Sacks and slings
      All will be provided on your arrival.
  10. Should you find yourself snagged, do not under any circumstances pull for a break. Contact the bailiff who will use a boat to recover your tackle. Any line breakage rendering tackle in a snag, island or marginal reeds etc. should be immediately reported.
  11. Church Lake Only – Any carp under 25lb must be retained. Please contact the bailiff so that we can consider transferring it to the stock pond.
  12. Carp care, the health of our beautiful Carp is our highest priority. To ensure our fish remain in pristine condition the following Carp care must be practised. Once you have netted your Carp you can transfer it to the cradle with the failsafe retainer in situ, transfer your capture from the net to the retainer, weigh your capture then carry it back to the water in the retainer where you can take photos. NOTE – only water shots are permitted. This rule is compulsory because in the past several of our Carp have had their tails broken. We thank you for your cooperation and support.
  13. Should you capture a fish showing any signs of damage please contact the management immediately so it can be treated appropriately with Medi Carp. If the management is not available then please retain the fish until it can be treated.
  14. All captures will be recorded before you leave the site at the end of your trip.
  15. There are many rare plants around the lake. Do not damage or cut any vegetation.
  16. Boats on site are not for use, except by Nash staff.
  17. Bait boats are allowed.
  18. Particles and naturals are allowed, but only in moderate amounts. If there is any doubt on what is deemed as moderate then please contact the management to avoid any misunderstanding.
  19. Tiger nut hookbaits are allowed but no nuts are permitted as free offerings.
  20. We expect all anglers to leave their swims pristine and litter free. All litter should be taken with you, including cigarette butts.
  21. Do not obstruct the path as the quad will need access and your valuable tackle may get damaged.
  22. Do not under any circumstances leave bait or rigs accessible to dogs. We also recommend that you leave nothing on the ground in or out of your bivvy. Neither Kevin, nor Kevin’s dog Ridge, will be responsible for any damage.
  23. Guests are only allowed on site by prior arrangement. Dogs are not permitted.
  24. Responsible adults must accompany all anglers under the age of 16.
  25. Anglers visiting do so at their own risk. Kevin Nash, Nash Lakes and Kevin Nash Group Ltd. are not liable for any injury or loss of property.

Good luck and enjoy your fishing