Royston Fishing Rules

Kevin Nash Group Ltd. accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or theft whilst on the premises. Please abide by the rules below:

Fishery Rules

  1. Royston is an immaculately kept lake. Please ensure all litter is taken home. Leaving litter – note this includes cigarette butts – will lead to termination of membership.
  2. Do not damage any of the trees or plants. Should you believe a tree or plant requires removal or trimming please contact the Fishery Manager.
  3. If you accidentally lose tackle in a tree or bush and have to pull for a break, you must inform the Fishery Manager or Bailiff before you leave to prevent danger to wildlife.
  4. Toilets are provided on site, if you choose to defecate elsewhere i.e a bucket or bag you must take it with you. Any breach of this rule will result in membership being terminated.
  5. We expect all members and their guests using the toilets to clean up after themselves and leave the toilets in a pristine condition.
  6. The gate must be properly locked on arrival and when leaving.
  7. Please respect fellow anglers at all times, keep to the boundaries of your swim and keep noise, radios/music to a respectable level so as not to disturb your neighbours.
  8. Rods must not be left unattended.
  9. Do not position rods on the fish release platform provided in most swims. These are lower to the water for angler safety and have been specially constructed for safe netting and release of carp.
  10. The margins are very deep. Do not in any circumstances attempt to wade. Swimming is not permitted.
  11. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult Parent/Guardian (aged 21 years or over) and the rod limit in a single swim must not exceed 4 rods. Under 16s must remain in the swim that the adult is occupying at all times. It is the duty of the Parent/Guardian to ensure under 16s are well behaved and do not disturb other anglers and wildlife.
  12. A number of swims are doubles. If you occupy one of these swims please keep to one side of the swim in case another angler also wishes to fish the double swim you are partially occupying.
  13. Non-fishing guests may accompany an angler/anglers. Non-fishing children under 16 must be accompanied by a Parent/Guardian at all times. Non-Fishing guests/children must keep to the confines of the swim area and not in any way disturb neighbouring anglers.
  14. Fires are prohibited. BBQs may be used providing they are raised above the ground.
  15. Strictly no guns or fireworks.
  16. Dogs are permitted only with special permission from management.
  17. Cars must not exceed the 5mph speed limit. Anyone driving at speed or dangerously will immediately lose their membership.
  18. To avoid unnecessary disturbance to anglers fishing Wood Lake, on arrival please park in the main car park then walk round to select your swim. After you have selected your swim you may take your car round. In many swims you can park directly behind a swim, others have nearby pull ins. Only park in the designated areas.
  19. Your safety and the safety of our fish is our prime concern. Do not drink alcohol to excess. Any angler found in a “condition” deemed unsafe or disruptive will be asked to leave.
  20. All 24 and 48 hour bookings commence at 9am daily, you are allowed to arrive from 7am to look at available swims but do not enter an occupied swim or disturb anglers already present. Do not set up or bait your swim before 9am, and please have your swim vacated by 9am the following day.
  21. Day tickets are offered Sunday to Thursday inclusive, with fishing from 7am to dusk. Please show consideration for overnight anglers when entering the fishery.
  22. Under no circumstances are fish to be transferred between waters. Please note this includes pike anglers catching/using livebaits from the lakes.
  23. Under no circumstances are you allowed to use the fishery boats on site.
  24. No refunds will be offered under any circumstances unless the management deem the fishery requires to be closed.


Angling Rules

These rules are deemed as most important by the management for carp welfare. Anglers found fishing with barbed hooks or bent hooks will have their membership terminated. 

  1. Barbless hooks must be used at all times. Only purpose made barbless hooks may be used, no crushed barbs.
  2. Hooks commonly known as Bent Hooks/Cranked Hooks where the shank length is twice the length of the norm are strictly forbidden.
  3. No braided mainlines (except on spod and marker rods).
  4. Minimum 12lb breaking strain mainline. Minimum hooklink breaking strain of 15lb, minimum breaking strain hooklink for surface fishing or zigs 12lb.
  5. No rig may be used where the lead is not able to be ejected or the mainline pass through the lead or connection enabling it to discharge. To avoid the potential of a tethered carp, if you are unclear on this rule please ask the Fishery Manager or a Bailiff who will be pleased to show you rigs to allow you to fish safely at all times.
  6. Anglers are kindly requested to understand that to ensure our carp do not come to any harm the Fishery Manager or Bailiffs may ask you to wind your rods in so they can check your tackle.
  7. Bait Boats are allowed but anglers must not send them outside their own swim boundaries and not disturb neighbouring swims. Anyone found abusing this will be banned from using boats.
  8. No loose feeding of any nuts of any kind. They may however be used as hookbaits only.
  9. Only properly prepared, soaked and cooked particles may be used. Please only use particles in moderation. If you have any doubt please seek advice from the Fishery Manager or Bailiff.
  10. Predator fishing is permitted from 1st October – 31st March. Deadbaits and livebaits are allowed but NO livebaits may be brought onto the fishery. Trebles are permitted where ONE of the three hooks is barbed (to attach to baits).
  11. No leadcore, no unleaded, no fused leaders of any kind. Anglers can only use straight through mainline OR anti-tangle tubing such as Cling-On Tungsten Tube or similar.

Carp Care

  1. To avoid potential introduction of disease all nets, sacks, slings and unhooking mats must be completely dry before entering the site. If they are not, and you have fished somewhere else previously, please rinse all the above items in disinfected water before you enter the fishery and make sure they are completely dry before using at the fishery.
  2. Carp are not amphibious and we request you keep their time on the bank for your photo sessions to an absolute minimum.
  3. All anglers must have an appropriate unhooking mat or cradle that will comfortably protect a 40lb+ carp. Mats used on the ground must have at least 2.5cm of padding.
  4. No landing nets under 42 inches are permitted.
  5. No keepnets unless provided by the Fishery Manager.
  6. Under no circumstances may carp be retained in landing nets beyond a few minutes. Under no circumstances can carp be kept for more than 30 minutes in a floating retainer sling. Carp can only be retained in carp sacks during the hours of darkness and only with prior permission from the Fishery Manager in advance so he can inspect your sack and be sure you understand safe sacking procedures. Anyone found to be breaking any of the carp safety rules will immediately have their membership cancelled. Note also Rule 7.
  7. The only exception to Rule 6 is that should you catch or find a fish that is damaged or appears unwell you must retain it and immediately contact the Fishery Manager or Bailiff.
  8. In the interest of good fish care all anglers must carry a bottle of antiseptic fish treatment such as Nash Medicarp and treat any wounds, cuts or abrasions. Failure to follow this will result in you being asked to leave the fishery and only return once you have the correct carp care.